La prohibición de Ébano swing y Cachita en el primer franquismo (Circular 98) : mucho más que la simple censura de dos temas musicales | The banning of Ébano swing and Cachita in the early years of the Franco regime (Circular 98): much more than the simple censoring of two musical numbers

Repositori DSpace/Manakin

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La prohibición de Ébano swing y Cachita en el primer franquismo (Circular 98) : mucho más que la simple censura de dos temas musicales | The banning of Ébano swing and Cachita in the early years of the Franco regime (Circular 98): much more than the simple censoring of two musical numbers

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Centenera Sánchez-Seco, Fernando
Aquest document és un/a article, creat/da en: 2019

ABSTRACT. This article focuses on the 98th Circular which banned the musical numbers Ébano swing and Cachita in the early years of the Franco regime. It analyses the measure from the perspective of totalitarianism and ponders what led the censor to prohibit both numbers and why such prohibitions did not proliferate. It also studies a number of regulatory shortcomings in the 98th Circular itself and in other legislation concerning the censorship of music, as well as assessing the efficacy of prohibition. Some conclusions bring the article to an end.
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