Adianto-Pinguiculetum saetabensis (Pinguiculion longifoliae), una nueva asociación rupícola setabense
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Crespo Villalba, Manuel Benito; Alonso-Vargas, M. Angeles; Oltra Benavent, Josep E.; Martínez-Azorín, Mario
Aquest document és un/a article, creat/da en: 2019
A new plant association, Adianto capilli-veneris-Pinguiculetum saetabensis (All. Pinguiculion longifoliae), is described from the thermomediterranean areas of Sierra de Enguera (C-S province of Valencia, E of Spain), which is dominated by Pinguicula saetabensis, Adiantum capillus-veneris and Erica terminalis. This is a rare and fragile endemic plant community, occurring in rock crevices of limestone cliffs and ?balmas? where tufa deposits are formed, which remain sodden and dripping during part of the year due to water emergence. Data on the floristic composition, ecology, distribution and conservation status of this habitat are also reported |
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