'Paisajes del yo' : Simbiosis sensible del cuerpo, espacio y luz en el aula de infantil

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'Paisajes del yo' : Simbiosis sensible del cuerpo, espacio y luz en el aula de infantil

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Mesías Lema, José María; Sánchez Paz, Carlota
Aquest document és un/a article, creat/da en: 2018

This paper develops an arts-based educational research about the identity within the early years of life through workshops that allow to live aesthetic experiences. The starting point is the intencional relationships between children and contemporary art, lighting and body experiences in order to experience sensitiveness. It focuses on the idea of how light can be artistically used to explore the own body, the relation with space and the color?s synaesthesia. Each one of the actions has been developed trough visual narratives whith a dual aim: on the one hand, to generate documentacion about the creative process and, on the other hand, to interpret it from a self-study perspective in teaching research within the classroom. Key words: Relational Aesthetic Experience, Sensitive Art Education, Visual Narrative, Micro-performative Actions, Early Childhood Education.
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