Communicative Language Skills Improvement Programme. (CELSIP) Vol.4

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Communicative Language Skills Improvement Programme. (CELSIP) Vol.4

Mostra el registre parcial de l'element Alcantud Díaz, María Soler Pardo, Betlem 2020-02-14T08:18:43Z 2020-02-14T08:18:43Z 2020 es_ES
dc.description [-] The digital revolution of the recent years has led to new ways of learning through combining innovative and traditional methods. In order to engage our students in this new methods, we have designed a project called “Communicative English Language Skills Improvement Program” (CELSIP) so our learners will be able to achieve a higher communicative level in English through a wide range of multimedia resources as, for instance, audio-books, learning apps, educational websites, TV series, films, board games, and music. These multimodal tools are of easy access to students since the vast majority are friendly-user. Our duty through this project was to select the most useful ones for all kind of learners to improve a foreign language and to make them visible to our students indicating the aim of each tool at the time we help them become autonomous learners of English. Thus, the objective of this article is threefold, firstly, we shall describe the characteristics of the project named CELSIP, secondly, explain the several possibilities it can offer to our students, next to analyse the feasibility of the CELSIP using the SWOT framework. It is hoped that the SWOT framework will provide an objective and critical perspective of the CELSIP usefulness and effectiveness as a whole. In addition, it can provide prompts involved in the analysis of what is effective and less effective in the program sections and procedures es_ES
dc.description.abstract [-] The digital revolution of the recent years has led to new ways of learning through combining innovative and traditional methods. In order to engage our students in this new methods, we have designed a project called “Communicative English Language Skills Improvement Program” (CELSIP) so our learners will be able to achieve a higher communicative level in English through a wide range of multimedia resources as, for instance, audio-books, learning apps, educational websites, TV series, films, board games, and music. These multimodal tools are of easy access to students since the vast majority are friendly-user. Our duty through this project was to select the most useful ones for all kind of learners to improve a foreign language and to make them visible to our students indicating the aim of each tool at the time we help them become autonomous learners of English. Thus, the objective of this article is threefold, firstly, we shall describe the characteristics of the project named CELSIP, secondly, explain the several possibilities it can offer to our students, next to analyse the feasibility of the CELSIP using the SWOT framework. It is hoped that the SWOT framework will provide an objective and critical perspective of the CELSIP usefulness and effectiveness as a whole. In addition, it can provide prompts involved in the analysis of what is effective and less effective in the program sections and procedures en_US
dc.description.abstract [-] The digital revolution of the recent years has led to new ways of learning through combining innovative and traditional methods. In order to engage our students in this new methods, we have designed a project called “Communicative English Language Skills Improvement Program” (CELSIP) so our learners will be able to achieve a higher communicative level in English through a wide range of multimedia resources as, for instance, audio-books, learning apps, educational websites, TV series, films, board games, and music. These multimodal tools are of easy access to students since the vast majority are friendly-user. Our duty through this project was to select the most useful ones for all kind of learners to improve a foreign language and to make them visible to our students indicating the aim of each tool at the time we help them become autonomous learners of English. Thus, the objective of this article is threefold, firstly, we shall describe the characteristics of the project named CELSIP, secondly, explain the several possibilities it can offer to our students, next to analyse the feasibility of the CELSIP using the SWOT framework. It is hoped that the SWOT framework will provide an objective and critical perspective of the CELSIP usefulness and effectiveness as a whole. In addition, it can provide prompts involved in the analysis of what is effective and less effective in the program sections and procedures es_ES
dc.language.iso en es_ES
dc.relation.ispartof Communicative English Language Skills Improvement Programme es_ES
dc.relation.haspart Communicative English Language Skills Improvement Programme es_ES
dc.relation.isversionof Communicative English Language Skills Improvement Programme es_ES
dc.relation.hasversion Communicative English Language Skills Improvement Programme es_ES
dc.subject EFL es_ES
dc.subject Autonomour learners es_ES
dc.subject Communication tools es_ES
dc.title Communicative Language Skills Improvement Programme. (CELSIP) Vol.4 es_ES
dc.subject.unesco UNESCO::LINGÜÍSTICA es_ES
dc.interactivitytype mixed es_ES
dc.learningresourcetype exercise es_ES
dc.interactivitylevel very high es_ES

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