Ex-Ante Business Model Evaluation Methods: A Proposal of Improvement and Applicability

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Ex-Ante Business Model Evaluation Methods: A Proposal of Improvement and Applicability

Mostra el registre parcial de l'element Mateu, José María Escribá-Esteve, Alejandro 2020-02-19T10:34:24Z 2020-02-19T10:34:24Z 2019
dc.identifier.citation Mateu, José María Escribá-Esteve, Alejandro 2019 Ex-Ante Business Model Evaluation Methods: A Proposal of Improvement and Applicability Journal of Business Models 7 5 25 47
dc.description.abstract Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to choose the best method for ex ante business model evaluation, improve it and provide a framework to put it into practice. Design/Methodology/Approach: After an in-depth review, we chose the best method for ex ante business model evaluation, improved this method, and applied it to a real case study in which business models had been proposed for a Sustainable Smart District project. Findings: We analysed existing ex ante business model evaluation methods, justifying our choice of the best one. We improved this key question-based method by combining classic management tools and a new, promising procedure. We finally found a strong tool to improve business models before their implementation or, in other words, to improve business model design. Practical implications: The resulting methodology can be applied in a broad range of situations in which a set of business models needs to be evaluated and ordered before making decisions about their implementation. Accordingly, we think it represents a significant contribution to the field of business model evaluation. Social implications: We applied this methodology to a set of business models to be used in a new Sustainable Smart District. This term has gained momentum over the last few years because it is understood to be a good way to combat climate change. Originality/value: We refined and improved an existing methodology for ex ante business model evaluation making it more accurate and credible, and we applied it in the context of a relevant social field, such as the fight against climate change.
dc.language.iso eng
dc.relation.ispartof Journal of Business Models, 2019, vol. 7, num. 5, p. 25-47
dc.subject Economia d'empresa
dc.title Ex-Ante Business Model Evaluation Methods: A Proposal of Improvement and Applicability
dc.type journal article es_ES 2020-02-19T10:34:24Z
dc.identifier.idgrec 136343
dc.rights.accessRights open access es_ES

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