Guilio Gianelli (Turin, 1879 - Rome, 1914) lived a childhood marked by the disappearance of his father and the death of his mother, so he trained in a boarding school, following the itinerary of classical languages. Despite not being able to pay for further studies, he attended Arturo Graf's classes, where he came into contact with other crepuscular poets. However, Guido distances himself from this group, because he felt restlessness for childhood, to which he dedicated part of his work and his time. After having collaborated with some literary magazines in Turin, he moved to Rome, where he worked on a peasant literacy project, but his mercy also took him to Messina that same year, to help the victims of the earthquake that had ravaged the area. There he meets two orphaned children who will take care of the rest of his life. From that moment and until his death, in 1914, he published short stories in the newspaper Buon Augurio, but perhaps his most famous work is the Storia di Pipino nato vecchio e morto bambino, although at the time it did?t get much success.