Los sonetos de la casa y otros poemas

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Los sonetos de la casa y otros poemas

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Vallini, Carlo
Aquest document és un/a article, creat/da en: 2019

Carlo Vallini (Milan, 1885 - 1920) devoted himself early to poetry after getting in touch in Turin with Guido Gozzano, with whom he established a large epistolary correspondence. In 1907 he published two collections of poems, Un giorno and La renunzia, in which he distinguished himself by a remarkable expressive sensibility in poems of muted and melancholic tones typical of the crepuscular school. In 1909 he graduated in Bologna, becoming a teacher in different Italian cities. These are years of intense treatral activity, with successful works such as Radda. Dramma lirico in un atto. The intense poetic and theatrical activity had to be cornered, as in the rest of his generation, after being called up in 1916. In 1920, his prose translation of the poem The Prison of the Ballad of Reading by Oscar Wilde was published months before his death because of a stroke.
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