El espacio en cuanto forma de los fenómenos y la tesis de la receptividad : mutua implicación

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El espacio en cuanto forma de los fenómenos y la tesis de la receptividad : mutua implicación

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Contreras Gallegos, Diana Gloria
Aquest document és un/a article, creat/da en: 2019

My purpose in this paper is to point out that there is a mutual implication between two Kantian thesis: the Receptivity Thesis (our knowledge depends on being affected by objects) and the thesis of the space at a form of the phenomena; so that, a full treatment of the receptivity thesis implies Kant's transcendental idealism of space. On my reading this doesn't compromise Kant's empirical realism. In order to show this I explore here the second consequence ("b") that Kant arrives after he shows his arguments in favour of the space in the Transcendental Aesthetics. Keywords: space, form of intuition, receptivity, transcendental idealism, empirical realism
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