From the unity of sensible intuition to the sensible unity of intuition : revisiting the proof-structure of Kant?s B-Deduction argument

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From the unity of sensible intuition to the sensible unity of intuition : revisiting the proof-structure of Kant?s B-Deduction argument

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Perin, Adriano
Aquest document és un/a article, creat/da en: 2019

The B-Deduction accounts for Kant?s utmost solution at safeguarding both the distinctiveness and a necessary relation between understanding and sensibility. I aim at proposing an original thesis to the debate on this solution: the B-Deduction argument profits from a methodology correlating the unity of sensible intuition to the sensible unity of intuition. At first, Kant?s definition of ?transcendental cognition? is set forth. Secondly, an inquiry into the argument?s methodology is carried out. After that, the justification of the categories within the understanding?s domain is taken into account. Finally, the relation of the understanding to sensibility is brought into discussion.
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