The current status of research on Kant´s Transcendental Deduction

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The current status of research on Kant´s Transcendental Deduction

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Schulting, Dennis
Aquest document és un/a article, creat/da en: 2018

In this paper I provide an overview of the latest research on Kant?s Transcendental Deduction, from the last 20 years or so, including a non-exhaustive bibliography. I also reflect on the question why in that period there has up until now been so little recent book-length work dedicated to the Deduction, on so-called ?analytical? approaches to reading Kant and the Deduction in particular, and on the related issue of the relevance of both evaluative and historical/hermeneutical interpretations of the Deduction. In the latter part of the essay, I consider the most important desiderata for systematic-interpretatively guided research into the Deduction.
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