Decoherence from dipolar interspin interactions in molecular spin qubits

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Decoherence from dipolar interspin interactions in molecular spin qubits

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Escalera Moreno, Luis; Gaita Ariño, Alejandro; Coronado Miralles, Eugenio
Aquest document és un/a article, creat/da en: 2019

The realization of spin-based logical gates crucially depends on magnetically coupled spin qubits. Thus, understanding decoherence when spin qubits are in close proximity will become a roadblock to overcome. Herein, we propose a method free of fitting parameters to evaluate the qubit phase memory time Tm in samples with high electron spin concentrations. The method is based on a model aimed to estimate magnetic nuclear decoherence [P. C. E. Stamp and I. S. Tupitsyn, Phys. Rev. B 69, 014401 (2004)]. It is applied to a ground-spin J=8 magnetic molecule 1 displaying atomic clock transitions, namely [HoIII(W5O18)2]9−, which remarkably increase Tm at unusually high electron-spin concentrations. Our approach unveils the causes that limit the coherence reached at the clock transitions in challenging systems such as 1, where recent models fail.
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