Cómo representar el horror: las Erinias en la tradición occidental

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Cómo representar el horror: las Erinias en la tradición occidental

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Morant Giner, Maria
Aquest document és un/a capítol, creat/da en: 2019
The objective of the present work is to keep track of the Erinyes in the Western tradition, starting with Aeschylus´ Eumenides. We are taking into account the intertextuality and intermodality, as it is typical of the studies on the Classical Tradition. We are also paying attention to disciplines as varied as literature, ceramics, painting, cinema… with the aim of reflecting the evolution undergone by these characters over time. Thus, we will observe that the specific circumstances surrounding each recreation or reinterpretation implies that the author/artist judges them in a specific way. Along this paper, we will realize that the Aeschylus’ Eumenides has few similarities with Sartre’s work.
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