Analysis of the Impact of the Triple Helix on Sustainable Innovation Targets in Spanish Technology Companies

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Analysis of the Impact of the Triple Helix on Sustainable Innovation Targets in Spanish Technology Companies

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Luengo Valderrey, María Jesús; Pando García, Julián; Periáñez Cañadillas, Iñaki; Cervera Taulet, Amparo
Aquest document és un/a article, creat/da en: 2020

The establishment of broad-based networks, such as the Triple Helix, for innovation and sustainability is sufficiently corroborated. In this work we suggest that the information received from the Triple Helix has a significant and different impact on the objectives of sustainable innovation, depending on whether companies cooperate or not. To this end, an empirical analysis of a stratified sample of more than 5000 Spanish medium and high technology companies in 2010-2014-2015 was carried out. The results confirm that companies that do not cooperate place more importance on the information received from the Triple Helix to establish their sustainable innovation targets.
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