Perceived benefits and constraints in vehicleautomation: Data to assess the relationshipbetween driver's features and their attitudestowards autonomous vehicles

Repositori DSpace/Manakin

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Perceived benefits and constraints in vehicleautomation: Data to assess the relationshipbetween driver's features and their attitudestowards autonomous vehicles

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Lijarcio Cárcel, Ignacio; Useche, Sergio A.; Llamazares Robles, Francisco Javier; Montoro González, Luis
Aquest document és un/a article, creat/da en: 2019

This data article examines the association driver's features, perceptions and attitudes towards autonomous vehicles (AVs). The data was collected using a structured self-administrable and online-based questionnaire, applied to a full sample of 1205 Spanish drivers. The data contains 4 parts: the full set of bivariate correlations between study variables; descriptive statistics and graphical trends for each main study variable according to gender, age group and city/town size; and, finally, the dataset for further explorations in this regard.
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