The institutional isomorphism in the context of organizational changes in higher education institutions

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The institutional isomorphism in the context of organizational changes in higher education institutions

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Cardona Mejía, Liliana María; Pardo del Val, Manuela; Dasí Coscollar, Maria dels Àngels
Aquest document és un/a article, creat/da en: 2020

This article deals with the institutional theory and isomorphism, from the point of view of the processes of organizational change in higher education institutions. In a first phase, we analyze, through a questionnaire, the situations and causes of change in higher education institutions (HEI), more precisely in the knowledge field of Physical Education in Colombia. Afterwards, through a multiple case study, we analyze both the pressures of the environment that force HEI to change and the types of isomorphism. The results show the existence of three types of isomorphism in a process of change, where the national and institutional governments exert coercive pressures. Other HEIs in similar situations exert mimic isomorphism while specialized groups within HEIs exert normative isomorphism.
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