Health Assets, Vocation and Zest for Healthcare Work. A Salutogenic Approach to Active Coping among Certified Nursing Assistant Students

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Health Assets, Vocation and Zest for Healthcare Work. A Salutogenic Approach to Active Coping among Certified Nursing Assistant Students

Mostra el registre parcial de l'element Colomer Pérez, Natura Chover Sierra, Elena Gea Caballero, Vicente Paredes Carbonell, Joan Josep 2020-06-01T07:56:55Z 2020-06-01T07:56:55Z 2020
dc.identifier.citation Colomer, Natura Chover Sierra, Elena Gea Caballero, Vicente Paredes Carbonell, Joan Josep 2020 Health Assets, Vocation and Zest for Healthcare Work. A Salutogenic Approach to Active Coping among Certified Nursing Assistant Students International Journal Of Environmental Research And Public Health 17
dc.description.abstract People's health assets (HA) mapping process and design dynamization strategies for it are paramount issues for health promotion. These strategies improve the health heritage of individuals and communities as both the salutogenic model of health (SMH) and health assets model (HAM) defend. Connecting and mobilizing HA and strengthens the 'sense of coherence' (SOC) are both related to enhancing stress active and effective coping strategies. This study aims to describe the HA present in a population of certified nursing assistant students (n = 921) in Spain and then to explore their relationships with the SOC, the motivation to choose healthcare studies and their academic performance. A great variety of HA were identified and mapped. Findings showed that individuals with greater motivation towards self-care and 'caring for others' as internal HA, possessed higher SOC levels and a strong vocation for healthcare work. Differences in HA were identified according to gender, age and employment situation. Consistent connections between the care-relation factor and vocational factor with interpersonal and extrapersonal HA were reported. Evidence and results substantiated the salutogenic and asset-based approach as a proper strategy to strengthen SOC, dynamize their HA map, reinforce the sense of calling and enable Certified Nurse Assistant (CNA) students to buffer against caregiving-related stress and thrive in their profession
dc.language.iso eng
dc.relation.ispartof International Journal Of Environmental Research And Public Health, 2020, vol. 17
dc.title Health Assets, Vocation and Zest for Healthcare Work. A Salutogenic Approach to Active Coping among Certified Nursing Assistant Students
dc.type journal article es_ES 2020-06-01T07:56:55Z
dc.identifier.idgrec 139153
dc.rights.accessRights open access es_ES

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