3D deconvolution in Fourier integral microscopy

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3D deconvolution in Fourier integral microscopy

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Stefanoiu, Anca; Scrofani, G.; Saavedra Tortosa, Genaro; Martínez Corral, Manuel; Lasser, Tobias
Aquest document és un/a article, creat/da en: 2020

Fourier integral microscopy (FiMic), also referred to as Fourier light field microscopy (FLFM) in the literature, was recently proposed as an alternative to conventional light field microscopy (LFM). FiMic is designed to overcome the non-uniform lateral resolution limitation specific to LFM. By inserting a micro-lens array at the aperture stop of the microscope objective, the Fourier integral microscope directly captures in a single-shot a series of orthographic views of the scene from different viewpoints. We propose an algorithm for the deconvolution of FiMic data by combining the well known Maximum Likelihood Expectation (MLEM) method with total variation (TV) regularization to cope with noise amplification in conventional Richardson-Lucy deconvolution.
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