Effects of Oxygen Plasma on the Chemical, Light-emitting, and Electrical Transport Properties of Inorganic and Hybrid Lead Bromide Perovskite Nanocrystal Films

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Effects of Oxygen Plasma on the Chemical, Light-emitting, and Electrical Transport Properties of Inorganic and Hybrid Lead Bromide Perovskite Nanocrystal Films

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Palazón Huet, Francisco; Chen, Fang; Akkerman, Quinten A.; Imran, Muhammad; Krahne, Roman; Manna, Liberato
Aquest document és un/a article, creat/da en: 2018

We show that oxygen plasma affects in different ways the structural, chemical, optical, and electrical properties of methylammonium and cesium lead bromide nanocrystals. Hybrid organic-inorganic nanocrystals were severely and quickly degraded by oxygen plasma at 50 W. Their photoluminescence was quenched with almost 100% loss of the initial quantum yield, which is linked to decomposition of the nanocrystals. Inorganic nanocrystals were more resistant to oxygen plasma in the same conditions. Despite a moderate loss of photoluminescence and electrical conductivity, oxygen plasma had a positive impact, removing unbound ligands and resulting in more ohmic behavior of the film. This paves the way for the application of oxygen plasma in the development of perovskite-based optoelectronic devices.
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