Molecular Passivation of MoO3: Band Alignment and Protection of Charge Transport Layers in Vacuum-Deposited Perovskite Solar Cells

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Molecular Passivation of MoO3: Band Alignment and Protection of Charge Transport Layers in Vacuum-Deposited Perovskite Solar Cells

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Pérez-del-Rey, Daniel; Gil Escrig, Lidón; Zanoni, Kassio P. S.; Dreessen, Chris; Sessolo, Michele; Boix, Pablo P.; Bolink, Henk
Aquest document és un/a article, creat/da en: 2019

Vacuum-deposition of perovskite solar cells can achieve efficiencies rivalling solution-based methods and it allows for more complex device stacks. MoO3 has been used to enhance carrier extraction to the transparent bottom electrode in a p-i-n configuration, here we show that by inserting an organic charge transport molecule it can also be used on the top of a perovskite absorber in a n-i-p configuration. This strategy enables the first vacuum-deposited perovskite solar cells with metal oxides as charge transporting layers for both electrons and holes leading to power conversion efficiency > 19 %.
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