Measurement of the soliton number in guiding media through continuum generation

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Measurement of the soliton number in guiding media through continuum generation

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Castelló Lurbe, David; Carrascosa, A.; Silvestre Mora, Enrique; Díez Cremades, Antonio; Van Erps, Jürgen; Vermeulen, Nathalie; Andrés, Miguel V.
Aquest document és un/a article, creat/da en: 2020

No general approach is available yet to directly measure the ratio between the chromatic dispersion and the nonlinear coefficient, and hence the soliton number for a given optical pulse, in an arbitrary guiding medium. Here we solve this problem using continuum generation. We experimentally demonstrate our method in polarization-maintaining and single-mode fibers with positive and negative chromatic dispersion. Our technique also offers new opportunities to determine the chromatic dispersion of guiding media over a broad spectral range while pumping at a fixed wavelength.
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