Bob Dylan?s 'A Hard Rain?s a-Gonna Fall' : Análisis estructural y estilístico de una ruptura poética en el estándar del folk tradicional norteamericano

Repositori DSpace/Manakin

IMPORTANT: Aquest repositori està en una versió antiga des del 3/12/2023. La nova instal.lació está en

Bob Dylan?s 'A Hard Rain?s a-Gonna Fall' : Análisis estructural y estilístico de una ruptura poética en el estándar del folk tradicional norteamericano

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Albarrán, Jesús
Aquest document és un/a article, creat/da en: 2019

This article aims to highlight the social and creative context in which the aesthetic rupture of the song ?A Hard Rain?s a-Gonna Fall?, composed by American singer-songwriter Bob Dylan, was born, as well as to apply a structural and stylistic analysis to the poetic elements of the anthem, by paying special attention to its literary, musical and expressive references. The American protest song of the early sixties presented a series of realistic characteristics that Bob Dylan will assume and integrate in his beginnings, but which will begin to dissolve progressively with the early advancement of his musical career.
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