Consideraciones sobre la familia Thelypteridaceae Ching ex Pic. Serm. en la Comunidad Valenciana

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Consideraciones sobre la familia Thelypteridaceae Ching ex Pic. Serm. en la Comunidad Valenciana

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Fabado Alós, Javier; Riera Vicent, Jesús; Ros, Gregorio; Fabregat Llueca, Carlos; Mir Pegueroles, Carles; Laguna Lumbreras, Emilio
Aquest document és un/a article, creat/da en: 2020

The presence of Christella normalis (C. Chr.) Holttum (Thelypteridaceae) is reported as a novelty for the flora of the Valencian Community. We provide data on its distribution, ecology and relations with the other species of the same family cited in the territory. A review of the citations of the other species belonging to the same family for the Valencian Community has also been made. This has meant the removal from the Valencian flora for Christella dentata, so all references being attributable to the new taxon found. Likewise, references to Thelypteris palustris in the vicinity of the city of Valencia, currently an extinct population, are attributed to this taxon.
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