Tipos nomenclaturales para las especies descritas por Léon Dufour a partir de material recolectado en el territorio valenciano (España)

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Tipos nomenclaturales para las especies descritas por Léon Dufour a partir de material recolectado en el territorio valenciano (España)

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Ferrer Gallego, Pedro Pablo; Vivent, Dominique
Aquest document és un/a article, creat/da en: 2020

The checklist of the new taxa for the science described by Léon Dufour from material colected in Valencian Community (Spain) is provided. A total of 29 taxa were described in 1817, 1820, 1831 and 1860. In 1817 Dufour described 1 species, in 1820 described 12 species, in 1831 a total of 4 species, and in 1860 Duforur described 11 species. Silene tubiflora has Dufour as the autor of the name, but was described by N.S. Turczaninow. At present, 15 names of these taxa are valid, while 3 are illegitimate. Six of the effective names are basonyms. Eleven taxa are accepted with a range of species (incl. 1 nothospecies), and four at the subspecies level (incl. 1 nothosubspecies). In this paper, 13 nomenclatural types are designated, 12 lectotypes from Dufour original material preserved at BORD and 1 neotype from material preserved at VAL.
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