¿Sexo contra sexo o clase contra clase? El género y la clase en los debates del feminismo español (1975-1980)

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¿Sexo contra sexo o clase contra clase? El género y la clase en los debates del feminismo español (1975-1980)

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Gahete Muñoz, Soraya
Aquest document és un/a article, creat/da en: 2019

In the Spanish feminist movement of the mid-seventies there was a series of debates related to two categories of analysis: class and gender. These two categories were very present in the discussions of the different feminist organizations, insofar as they were an important part of the identity of these subjects. From this in-depth debate, a series of "confrontations" or different positions were derived: defense of the single / double militancy, women / women, socialism / patriarchy or working class / women's class. In the same way, although not with the same intensity, age was another important factor in the feminist movement that gave rise to found positions. In this article we will analyze different texts in which this class / gender/ age debate is collected and how different positions are derived from it, represented in the different feminist organizations.
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