Los trabajos del mito clásico en el Chile actual. La puta madre de Marco Antonio de la Parra

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Los trabajos del mito clásico en el Chile actual. La puta madre de Marco Antonio de la Parra

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Morant Giner, Maria
Aquest document és un/a article, creat/da en: 2019

At this moment, concern about the memory takes up the center in the political and cultural life in many countries. It is the case of Chile, which since 1989 it has lived through many political disputes for memory. The sociology and cultural studies have done many researches about this problema. In this study we have taken the perspective of the classical tradition with the aim of reflecting the use of classical myth in the reinterpretation of the national past. For this we have analyzed La puta madre (1998), a play inspired by the legend of the Atreus and adapted to the social and cultural chilean context of the second half of the 20th century to dramatize tensions, contradictions and anxieties of the current culture of memory.
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