?Las mujeres hacemos fuerza, aunque los hombres quieran negarlo" : el trabajo doméstico bajo el franquismo en la narrativa social de Dolores Medio

Repositori DSpace/Manakin

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?Las mujeres hacemos fuerza, aunque los hombres quieran negarlo" : el trabajo doméstico bajo el franquismo en la narrativa social de Dolores Medio

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Somolinos Molina, Cristina
Aquest document és un/a article, creat/da en: 2019

Domestic labour has been a topic that Dolores Medio?s narrative has addressed by using the aesthetics of social realism. Although literary historiography has barely paid attention to the work of women writers, there were some of them who did use that language to represent women?s experiences and problems under Francoism. Our aim is to analyze two novels by Dolores Medio, Funcionario público (1956) y Bibiana (1963), in order to enquire into the imaginaries of labour that they diffuse, as well as the critique of hegemonic discourses about domestic labour and the possibilities of housewives to resist the conditions that were imposed to them by Francoist regime.
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