El soldado que no fue : interrogando el ejército, la obediencia debida y el nunca más

Repositori DSpace/Manakin

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El soldado que no fue : interrogando el ejército, la obediencia debida y el nunca más

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Ros Matturro, Ana Lara
Aquest document és un/a article, creat/da en: 2020

 This article presents an analysis of The Soldier Who Was Not. This Chilean documentary explores the dictatorial past, focusing on the Armed Forces. More specifically, it investigates the case of the former conscripts who were drafted to complete the compulsory military service on the same year of the coup. Although they were the last link in the chain of command, by fulfilling the tasks of their work, in many ways they sustained the framework of the authoritarian system. As propose in the analysis, by making space for these secondary actors, the documentary poses questions about responsibility for, and complicity with the cruelty of the military regime. These questions lead to interrogate the present military institution and to ponder both the concept of the citizen shaped within democracy and the possibilities of ?never again? in Chile today.
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