La memoria de los verdugos de 1936 y la cultura de la impuni(bili)dad en la democracia posfranquista

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La memoria de los verdugos de 1936 y la cultura de la impuni(bili)dad en la democracia posfranquista

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Sánchez León, Pablo
Aquest document és un/a article, creat/da en: 2020

This text deals with the effects of scholarly research over the social construction of the perpetrator, reflecting from the case of the Spanish civil war and the status of perpetrators in postFrancoist democracy. By choosing two scholarly essays for the broad public, it how the issue of perpetrators is predefined by a framework that disclaims possible perpetrators due to their recognition as intellectuals and artists shaping the cultural canon of the 20th century. The alternative approach it proposes consists in combining a hermeneutics of the testimonies by possible perpetrators with other documentary sources, and chooses those offered by Dionisio Ridruejo, a major example of identity change against Francoism but departing from a deep implication in the repressive machinery of Franco´s regime which demands further study.
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