Censura editorial y crítica literaria durante el franquismo. El caso de Antonio Iglesias Laguna

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Censura editorial y crítica literaria durante el franquismo. El caso de Antonio Iglesias Laguna

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Álvarez Villalobos, María
Aquest document és un/a article, creat/da en: 2020

The main objective of this paper is to analyse the interaction between the discourses on narrative texts found in censorship files and those of press literary criticism as well as the relations between both of them in the last period of Francoism. We will try to set the correlation between two different procedures that sought to strengthen an official literary discourse under political interests. Thus, we have taken the case of Antonio Iglesias Laguna, literary critic and censor during this period, focusing on the period after the Press and Printing Law (1966). With this purpose, we have compiled, analyzed and collated his literary critics in ABC and La Estafeta Literaria between 1964 and 1972, his reports as a reader of censorship between 1967 and 1972 and his essay Treinta años de novela española (1938-1968) (1969).
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