Muscular Strength Imbalances Are not Associated with Skin Temperature Asymmetries in Soccer Players
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Mendonça Teixeira, Rodrigo; Dellagrana, Rodolfo A.; Priego Quesada, José Ignacio; Machado, João Claudio B.P.; Fernandes da Silva, Juliano; Pacheco dos Reis, Tallyne Mayara; Rossato, Mateus
Aquest document és un/a article, creat/da en: 2020
Although strength imbalances using isokinetic dynamometer have been examined for injury risk screening in soccer players, it is very expensive and time-consuming, making the evaluation of new methods appealing. The aim of the study was to analyze the agreement between muscular strength imbalances and skin temperature bilateral asymmetries as well as skin temperature diferences in the hamstrings and quadriceps. The skin temperature of the anterior and posterior thigh of 59 healthy male soccer athletes was assessed at baseline using infrared thermography for the identification of hamstrings-quadriceps skin temperature diferences and thermal asymmetries (>0.5 ºC). Subsequently, concentric and eccentric peak torque of the quadriceps and hamstrings were considered in the determination of the ratios, as well as muscular asymmetries (>15%). When considering the torque parameters, 37.3% (n = 22) of the players would be classified as high risk for injuries. The percentage of those presenting skin temperature imbalances superior to 0.5 C was 52.5% (n = 31). The skin temperature assessment showed sensitivity (22%) and specificity (32.2%) to identify torque asymmetries, demonstrating the inability to identify false negatives (15.3%) and false positives (30.5%) from all soccer athletes. In conclusion, skin temperature diferences between hamstrings and quadriceps could be more related to thermoregulatory factors than strength imbalances.
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