Protocol for Low-level laser therapy in traumatic ulcer after troncular anesthesia : case report in pediatric dentistry

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Protocol for Low-level laser therapy in traumatic ulcer after troncular anesthesia : case report in pediatric dentistry

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Calazans, Thais-Apolinário; de Campos, Priscila-Hernandez; Melo, Ana-Valesca-Gurjão; Oliveira, Alba-Valeska-Alves; Amaral, Stella-Ferreira; Diniz, Michele B.; Novaes, Tatiane-Fernandes
Aquest document és un/a article, creat/da en: 2020

The aim of this study was to report a protocol of use for low-level laser therapy (LLLT) in traumatic ulcer in the lower lip after inferior alveolar nerve block anesthesia (IANBA). A 3-year-old patient, male, undergoing treatment of carious lesions was submitted to an indirect pulp capping in tooth 74 under IANBA. The procedure was completed without intercurrences, but on next day, the child presented extensive traumatic ulcer in the left lower lip, with complaint of pain. Two sequential applications with LLLT were applied in punctual mode under pressure around the lesion. After 1 week, the mother reported significant improvement. After 30 days, the lesion was fully healed. In conclusion, LLLT promoted rapid analgesia and healing, being a good treatment alternative for traumatic ulcer after troncular anesthesia.
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