Influence of resin cement shade on the color and translucency of zirconia crowns

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Influence of resin cement shade on the color and translucency of zirconia crowns

Mostra el registre parcial de l'element Ayash, Ghada M. es Ossman, Essam es Segaan, Lucette G. es Rayyan, Mohammad es Joukhadar, Christelle es 2020-10-22T11:50:29Z 2020-10-22T11:50:29Z 2020 es
dc.identifier.citation Ayash, Ghada M. ; Ossman, Essam ; Segaan, Lucette G. ; Rayyan, Mohammad ; Joukhadar, Christelle. Influence of resin cement shade on the color and translucency of zirconia crowns. En: Journal of Clinical and Experimental Dentistry, 12 3 2020: 257-263 es
dc.description.abstract Zirconia crowns are highly attractive for clinicians, although have poor translucency when used as single restorations, in addition to unknown effect of resin cement shade on final cemented crown shade. This study aimed to assess effect of resin cement opacity on color replication potential of different zirconia frameworks with target tooth color, in addition to different zirconia crowns translucency evaluation. Twenty-four zirconia crown restorations were fabricated to restore single central maxillary incisor for 8 patients, divided into 3 groups according to color and type of zirconia used (white Zr core, colored Zr core and monolithic HT Zrcowns). Each group was further subdivided into 2 subgroups according to resin cement shade. Using Easyshade spectrophotometer, Delta E color difference was calculated between each crown parameters using 2 different resin luting cement shades and adjacent target tooth. Translucency parameters (TP) were tested for finished crowns. ?Es obtained were assessed based on ?Eof 1.6 which represented color difference that could not be detected by human eye and considered clinically acceptable. No statistically significant values were found between subgroups related to different resin cement shade. Translucency parameters showed statistically significant different values. Monolithic crowns showed highest translucency parameters followed by Zr crowns on white cores then Zr crowns on colored cores. Resin cement shade didn?t affect final color perception. Monolithic high translucency crowns usage gained advantages of high translucency and delamination prevention. Zirconia crowns could be cemented by opaque or transparent cement without affecting final color. es
dc.title Influence of resin cement shade on the color and translucency of zirconia crowns es
dc.type journal article es_ES
dc.subject.unesco UNESCO::CIENCIAS MÉDICAS es
dc.identifier.doi 10.4317/jced.56425 es
dc.type.hasVersion VoR es_ES

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