Physical chemistry laboratory I

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Physical chemistry laboratory I

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de Julián Ortiz, Jesús Vicente
The “Physical Chemistry Laboratory” is a compulsory subject taught in the third semester (2nd year) of the Degree in Chemistry. The course will consist of conducting a series of experimental practices with which it is intended that students acquire skills in the use of some of the most common techniques used in a laboratory of Physical Chemistry. The experiments will be quantitatively carried out and persecute the determination of magnitudes that bring into play concepts related to chemical kinetics and thermodynamics of chemical equilibrium and phase equilibrium. Practices are held so that students have to: a) pre resolve issues related to its approach and realization using the acquired theoretical knowledge, and b) make a graphic and numerical treatment, and critical analysis of the results obtained in the laboratory.

    El document forma part dels materials docents programats mitjançant l'ajut del Servei de Política Lingüística de la Universitat de València.
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