Fourier-domain lightfield microscopy: a new paradigm in 3D microscopy

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Fourier-domain lightfield microscopy: a new paradigm in 3D microscopy

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Sánchez Ortiga, Emilio; Scrofani, G.; Martínez Corral, Manuel; Saavedra Tortosa, Genaro
Aquest document és un/a article, creat/da en: 2020

Recently, integral (also known as lightfield or plenoptic) imaging concept has been applied successfully to microscopy. The main advantage of lightfield microscopy when compared with conventional 3D imaging techniques is that it offers the possibility of capturing the 3D information of the sample after a single shot. However, integral microscopy is now facing many challenges, like improving the resolution and depth of field of the reconstructed specimens or the development and optimization of specially-adapted reconstruction algorithms. This contribution is devoted to review a new paradigm in lightfield microscopy, namely, the Fourier-domain integral microscope (FiMic), that improves the capabilities of the technique, and to present recent advances and applications of this new architecture.
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