Creativity and territory. The construction of centers and peripheries from graffiti and street art.

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Creativity and territory. The construction of centers and peripheries from graffiti and street art.

Mostra el registre parcial de l'element Klein Caballero, Ricardo Humberto 2020-11-04T15:27:22Z 2020-11-04T15:27:22Z 2016
dc.identifier.citation Klein Caballero, Ricardo Humberto 2016 Creativity and territory. The construction of centers and peripheries from graffiti and street art. Street Art & Urban Creativity Scientifc Journal 2 2 6 15
dc.description.abstract This article aims to analyze the meaning of the dynamics of artwork production that graffiti and street art artists currently do from its conception of territorial centers and peripheries. The city is seen as a place of conflict and the territory as the local space where it manifests itself. For graffiters and street art artists the city stands symbolically as the largest street of all, as a large canvas production. These are visions that respond to processes that the members of graffiti and street art respect and legitimate. The city is the great goal to win (its places, its physiognomy, but also its symbolic spaces), it is a space of resistance and construction of citizenship, a place of belonging to be marked and delineated as symbolic space of territorial appropriation. The present document takes the research that the author is currently developing under the PhD in Cultural Management and Heritage at the University of Barcelona. It seeks to approach the creative processes of analysis, legitimacy and valorization in graffiti and street art and, as case analysis, the researcher has chosen the cities of Barcelona (Spain) and Montevideo (Uruguay). It was established, as empirical domain of analysis, discourses from 44 graffiters and street art artists of the mentioned cities, taking into account some relevant dimensions of their practices: valorization, legitimacy, recognition, professionalization and technical specialization, among others.
dc.language.iso eng
dc.relation.ispartof Street Art & Urban Creativity Scientifc Journal, 2016, vol. 2, num. 2, p. 6-15
dc.subject Art i societat
dc.subject Art popular
dc.subject Creativitat
dc.subject Sociologia urbana
dc.subject Antropologia social
dc.title Creativity and territory. The construction of centers and peripheries from graffiti and street art.
dc.type journal article es_ES 2020-11-04T15:27:23Z
dc.identifier.idgrec 138992
dc.rights.accessRights open access es_ES

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