Smartphones y caída libre : Diseño y evaluación de una experiencia práctica

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Smartphones y caída libre : Diseño y evaluación de una experiencia práctica

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Esteve Martínez, Anna Raquel; Benavent Giménez, Aina; Solbes Matarredona, Jordi
Aquest document és un/a article, creat/da en: 2019

This work presents the design and evaluation of a practical experience on free fall based on the use of smartphones to check if the students' learning about this motion improves when using these devices. The evaluation of the practical experience has been done with a pre-post design in which 47 students, enrolled in the 'Physics and Chemistry' course of the 4th year of compulsory high school (ESO, by its Spanish acronym), have filled in a questionnaire with 6 free answer questions. The results show that the proposed practical experience is effective since a statistically significant improvement is obtained between the pre-test and the post-test, both globally and in each of the questions of the questionnaire.
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