Las representaciones del saber académico: Aportaciones desde la Geografía Escolar

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Las representaciones del saber académico: Aportaciones desde la Geografía Escolar

Mostra el registre parcial de l'element García Monteagudo, Diego es Morote Seguido, Álvaro Francisco es Souto González, Xosé M. es 2020-11-10T13:05:26Z 2020-11-10T13:05:26Z 2019 es
dc.identifier.citation García Monteagudo, Diego ; Morote Seguido, Álvaro Francisco ; Souto González, Xosé Manuel. Las representaciones del saber académico: Aportaciones desde la Geografía Escolar. En: Arxius de sociologia, 41 2019: 11-28 es
dc.description.abstract When we talk with basic education´s teachers there is an impression in the case of learning Social Sciences, and Geography in particular that these sciences are not useful for the explanation of socio-environmental and daily problems. In this research, improvement proposals are sought so that students are motivated to learn about these problems. Based on two case studies such as flood risks (and their relationship with climate change) and the problems of the rural areas, the possibilities of combining motivation for learning close to personal emotions and with their own rigor have been explored of the conceptual explanation. To validate these results, quantitative and qualitative research techniques have been used, within an intentional sample that seeks to offer trend results to continue with a line of research oriented towards school innovation es
dc.subject 1137-7038 8537 Arxius de sociologia 558787 2019 41 7605678 Las representaciones del saber académico: Aportaciones desde la Geografía Escolar García Monteagudo es
dc.subject Diego es
dc.subject Morote Seguido es
dc.subject Álvaro Francisco es
dc.subject Souto González es
dc.subject Xosé Manuel When we talk with basic education´s teachers there is an impression in the case of learning Social Sciences es
dc.subject and Geography in particular that these sciences are not useful for the explanation of socio-environmental and daily problems. In this research es
dc.subject improvement proposals are sought so that students are motivated to learn about these problems. Based on two case studies such as flood risks (and their relationship with climate change) and the problems of the rural areas es
dc.subject the possibilities of combining motivation for learning close to personal emotions and with their own rigor have been explored of the conceptual explanation. To validate these results es
dc.subject quantitative and qualitative research techniques have been used es
dc.subject within an intentional sample that seeks to offer trend results to continue with a line of research oriented towards school innovation Educación geográfica es
dc.subject representaciones sociales es
dc.subject cambio climático es
dc.subject riesgos de inundación es
dc.subject medio rural es
dc.subject Geographical education es
dc.subject social representations es
dc.subject climate change es
dc.subject flood risks es
dc.subject rural environment 11 28 es
dc.title Las representaciones del saber académico: Aportaciones desde la Geografía Escolar es
dc.type journal article es_ES
dc.subject.unesco UNESCO::SOCIOLOGÍA es
dc.identifier.doi es
dc.identifier.idgrec 139500
dc.type.hasVersion VoR es_ES

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