Three-dimensional real-time darkfield imaging through Fourier lightfield microscopy

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Three-dimensional real-time darkfield imaging through Fourier lightfield microscopy

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Scrofani, G.; Saavedra Tortosa, Genaro; Martínez Corral, Manuel; Sánchez Ortiga, Emilio
Aquest document és un/a article, creat/da en: 2020

We report a protocol that takes advantage of the Fourier lightfield microscopy concept for providing 3D darkfield images of volumetric samples in a single-shot. This microscope takes advantage of the Fourier lightfield configuration, in which a lens array is placed at the Fourier plane of the microscope objective, providing a direct multiplexing of the spatio-angular information of the sample. Using the proper illumination beam, the system collects the light scattered by the sample while the background light is blocked out. This produces a set of orthographic perspective images with shifted spatial-frequency components that can be recombined to produce a 3D darkfield image. Applying the adequate reconstruction algorithm high-contrast darkfield optical sections are calculated in real time. The presented method is applied for fast volumetric reconstructions of unstained 3D samples.
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