El management de las conductas socioemocionales. Una aproximación teórica y empírica desde el caso de los agentes de "contact centers"

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El management de las conductas socioemocionales. Una aproximación teórica y empírica desde el caso de los agentes de "contact centers"

Mostra el registre parcial de l'element Moench, Eric es López Ruiz, Osvaldo Javier es 2020-12-16T09:06:24Z 2020-12-16T09:06:24Z 2020 es
dc.identifier.citation Moench, Eric ; López Ruiz, Osvaldo Javier. El management de las conductas socioemocionales. Una aproximación teórica y empírica desde el caso de los agentes de "contact centers". En: Arxius de sociologia, 42 2020: 33-47 es
dc.description.abstract How is a specific type of emotion-related work conducts formed today? What principles guide these conducts and what effects do they have on those who work? The study of Contact Center agents allows us to understand how a set of personal qualities such as patience and good treatment of others, certain desires and personal impulses or even intimate sensations such as anguish or individual expectations have become managerialized emotions that end up modifying the inner attitudes of these agents. Within this framework, we propose a theoretical approach that integrates the work of Weber, Foucault and Elias, which invites us to reflect on a socio-emotional manner of leading one?s life (Lebensfu?hrung) that is emblematic of our time, on how a dominant managerial rhetoric is experienced as true and on what the possibilities of other subjectivities are es
dc.subject 1137-7038 8537 Arxius de sociologia 562372 2020 42 7674030 El management de las conductas socioemocionales. Una aproximación teórica y empírica desde el caso de los agentes de "contact centers" Moench es
dc.subject Eric es
dc.subject López Ruiz es
dc.subject Osvaldo Javier How is a specific type of emotion-related work conducts formed today? What principles guide these conducts and what effects do they have on those who work? The study of Contact Center agents allows us to understand how a set of personal qualities such as patience and good treatment of others es
dc.subject certain desires and personal impulses or even intimate sensations such as anguish or individual expectations have become managerialized emotions that end up modifying the inner attitudes of these agents. Within this framework es
dc.subject we propose a theoretical approach that integrates the work of Weber es
dc.subject Foucault and Elias es
dc.subject which invites us to reflect on a socio-emotional manner of leading one?s life (Lebensfu?hrung) that is emblematic of our time es
dc.subject on how a dominant managerial rhetoric is experienced as true and on what the possibilities of other subjectivities are Management Emocional es
dc.subject Contact Centers-agentes es
dc.subject Competencias Socioemocionales es
dc.subject Conducción de Vida (lebensfu?hrung) es
dc.subject Subjetividad. es
dc.subject emotional management es
dc.subject contact center-agents es
dc.subject socioemotional competences es
dc.subject manner of leading one?s life (Lebensfu?hrung) es
dc.subject subjectivity 33 47 es
dc.title El management de las conductas socioemocionales. Una aproximación teórica y empírica desde el caso de los agentes de "contact centers" es
dc.type journal article es_ES
dc.subject.unesco UNESCO::SOCIOLOGÍA es
dc.identifier.doi es
dc.type.hasVersion VoR es_ES

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