Las formas cotidianas de la felicidad y sus mandatos: Pedagogías del pensamiento positivo, trabajo docente y subjetividad en el neoliberalismo contemporáneo

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Las formas cotidianas de la felicidad y sus mandatos: Pedagogías del pensamiento positivo, trabajo docente y subjetividad en el neoliberalismo contemporáneo

Mostra el registre parcial de l'element Caride, Lucía es 2020-12-16T09:06:27Z 2020-12-16T09:06:27Z 2020 es
dc.identifier.citation Caride, Lucía. Las formas cotidianas de la felicidad y sus mandatos: Pedagogías del pensamiento positivo, trabajo docente y subjetividad en el neoliberalismo contemporáneo. En: Arxius de sociologia, 42 2020: 119-129 es
dc.description.abstract Positive thinking constitutes one of the great traditions that lead to the idea of the subject as an entrepreneur of himself and is perhaps one of the best that has successfully condensed cultural, political, social and pedagogical processes linked to reflection on well-being in this historical time. The teaching work is especially moved by the pregnancy of these perspectives that challenge the pedagogical field and the education workers as ?agents of change, or at least one more school available to give the discussion on well-being and happiness (yours and the students?) is celebrated and encouraged. In this article, I intend to understand what is being built as pedagogical discourses about teaching work from the different contemporary expressions of positive thinking, as well as the ways in which these discourses circulate, are received and recreated daily in schools and the wider pedagogical field es
dc.subject 1137-7038 8537 Arxius de sociologia 562372 2020 42 7674036 Las formas cotidianas de la felicidad y sus mandatos: Pedagogías del pensamiento positivo es
dc.subject trabajo docente y subjetividad en el neoliberalismo contemporáneo Caride es
dc.subject Lucía Positive thinking constitutes one of the great traditions that lead to the idea of the subject as an entrepreneur of himself and is perhaps one of the best that has successfully condensed cultural es
dc.subject political es
dc.subject social and pedagogical processes linked to reflection on well-being in this historical time. The teaching work is especially moved by the pregnancy of these perspectives that challenge the pedagogical field and the education workers as ?agents of change es
dc.subject or at least one more school available to give the discussion on well-being and happiness (yours and the students?) is celebrated and encouraged. In this article es
dc.subject I intend to understand what is being built as pedagogical discourses about teaching work from the different contemporary expressions of positive thinking es
dc.subject as well as the ways in which these discourses circulate es
dc.subject are received and recreated daily in schools and the wider pedagogical field Trabajo Docente es
dc.subject Pensamiento Positivo es
dc.subject Coaching es
dc.subject Pedagogías. es
dc.subject teaching work es
dc.subject positive thinking es
dc.subject coaching es
dc.subject pedagogies. 119 129 es
dc.title Las formas cotidianas de la felicidad y sus mandatos: Pedagogías del pensamiento positivo, trabajo docente y subjetividad en el neoliberalismo contemporáneo es
dc.type journal article es_ES
dc.subject.unesco UNESCO::SOCIOLOGÍA es
dc.identifier.doi es
dc.type.hasVersion VoR es_ES

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