Contra la patologización intensiva en términos de derechos humanos: Activismo gordo en Argentina

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Contra la patologización intensiva en términos de derechos humanos: Activismo gordo en Argentina

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Contrera, Laura
Aquest document és un/a article, creat/da en: 2020

This work addresses the way in which Argentine Fat Activism has developed, in recent years, the demand for depathologization of fatness, taking elements from critical discourses on the health of fat people to frame them in a perspective typical of the Human Rights. First, the contemporary fat body is described in terms of stigma and discrimination, especially in the health field. Then, they refer to a series of critical positions on the pathologization and medicalization of fatness from the biomedical perspective, Fat Studies and Fat Activism. Lastly, a series of interventions that the Argentine activist collective Taller Hacer la Vista Gorda produced between 2017 and 2020 were considered, focusing on the claim of depathologization, and highlights the innovation of the local turn in the current context of pandemic.
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