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Llausas, Albert | |
Community agricultural policy (CAP) is probably the area of competence of the European Union in which community integration has been most ambitious and, depending on how you look at it, successful. Practically since its inception in 1962, the CAP has been one of the most legislatively developed and best-funded areas. So much so that by the mid-1980s the CAP was carrying more than 70% of the entire European budget. Although at present its relative weight has been reduced to less than 40%, the truth is that the item dedicated to it has continued to increase in absolute value to the brink of 60 billion euros. annual in the last period 2014-2020. This means that each EU citizen pays an average of around 115 euros in taxes to collectively fund the CAP.
What is this money for? Essentially to subsidize the peasantry to supplement their income, also to finance rural development initiatives a...
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Community agricultural policy (CAP) is probably the area of competence of the European Union in which community integration has been most ambitious and, depending on how you look at it, successful. Practically since its inception in 1962, the CAP has been one of the most legislatively developed and best-funded areas. So much so that by the mid-1980s the CAP was carrying more than 70% of the entire European budget. Although at present its relative weight has been reduced to less than 40%, the truth is that the item dedicated to it has continued to increase in absolute value to the brink of 60 billion euros. annual in the last period 2014-2020. This means that each EU citizen pays an average of around 115 euros in taxes to collectively fund the CAP.
What is this money for? Essentially to subsidize the peasantry to supplement their income, also to finance rural development initiatives and, to a lesser extent, to support market measures. The peasantry of the Valencian Country, for example, receives about 200 million euros a year from the CAP. And what need is there to do all this? In its beginnings, support for the agricultural sector made it possible to multiply food production and facilitate access to food for all strata of European society at a time when the effects of the post-war period were still being felt. At present, the arguments used by the EU to defend this expenditure are, as we have seen in class, very varied. Despite the arguments, there are more and more voices and organizations questioning the validity of the reasons and the goodness of the CAP. This document aims to collect some of these criticisms and to be a counterpoint to the "white" version, official and politically correct, which is presented in the subject.La política agrària comunitària (PAC) és probablement l’àmbit de competència de la Unió Europea en què la integració comunitària ha estat més ambiciosa i, segons com es miri, amb èxit. Pràcticament des dels seus inicis l’any 1962, la PAC ha estat una de les àrees legislativament més desenvolupades i amb un millor finançament. Tant és així que a mitjan dècada de 1980 la PAC s’enduia més del 70% de tot el pressupost europeu . Malgrat que en l’actualitat el seu pes relatiu s’ha reduït fins menys del 40%, el cert és que la partida que s’hi dedica no ha deixat d’incrementar-se en valor absolut fins vorejar els 60.000 milions d’euros anuals en el darrer període 2014-2020 . Això significa que cada habitant de la UE paga de mitjana uns 115 euros a través d’impostos per finançar col·lectivament la PAC.
A què es destinen aquests diners? Essencialment a subvencionar la pagesia per complementar els seus ingressos, també a finançar iniciatives de desenvolupament rural i, en menor proporció, a donar suport a mesures de mercat . La pagesia del País Valencià, per exemple, rep uns 200 milions d’euros anuals de la PAC. I quina necessitat hi ha de fer tot això? En els seus inicis, el suport al sector agrari va permetre multiplicar la producció d’aliments i facilità l’accés al menjar de tots els estrats de la societat europea en un moment en el qual encara s’arrossegaven els efectes de la postguerra. En l’actualitat, els arguments utilitzats per la UE per defensar aquest dispendi són, com s’ha vist en classe, ben variats. Malgrat els arguments, hi ha cada vegada més veus i organitzacions que qüestionen la validesa de les raons i la bondat de la PAC. Aquest document pretén recollir algunes d’aquestes crítiques i ser un contrapunt a la versió “blanca”, oficial i políticament correcta, que es presenta en el temari de l’assignatura.
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