This paper studies synonymic and syntactic confluence among the Romance derivatives of PARĒRE ('appear, seem') and SĬMĬLARE ('look like, seem') in Old Catalan. This analysis includes formal variants like parer, aparer, paréixer, aparéixer and semblar, ressemblar, assembler. Investigation is based on a full analysis of the corpus linguistics CICA (from 13th to 16th centuries). We describe their polysemy and their synonymy, and we show when they can appear in the same syntactic contexts. This study takes into account a quantitative analysis to compare their frequencies. The verbs related to PARĒRE are preferred in impersonal and attributive sentences. However, the verbs associated with SĬMĬLARE usually appear in the intransitive constructions. In opposition to the thesis of the other researchers, we defend that the vitality of the verb semblar in early centuries is not caused by an Occitan influence, but by a geosynonymy.