Visible-light photoelectrodegradation of diuron on WO3 nanostructures

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Visible-light photoelectrodegradation of diuron on WO3 nanostructures

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Fernández Domene, Ramón Manuel; Sánchez Tovar, Rita; Lucas Granados, Bianca; Muñoz Portero, María José; Ramírez-Grau, R.; Garcia-Anton, Jose
Aquest document és un/a article, creat/da en: 2018

The degradation of pesticide diuron has been explored by photoelectrocatalysis (PEC) under visible light illumination using two different WO3 nanostructures, obtained by anodization of tungsten. The highest degradation efficiency (73%) was obtained for WO3 nanosheets synthesized in the presence of small amounts of hydrogen peroxide (0.05 M). For that nanostructure, the kinetic coefficient for diuron degradation was 133% higher than that for the other nanostructure (anodized in the presence of fluoride anions). These results have been explained by taking into account the different architecture and dimensions of the two WO3 nanostructures under study.
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