The role of the store in managing postpurchase complaints for omnichannel shoppers
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Miquel Romero, María José; Frasquet Deltoro, Marta; Mollà Descals, Alejandro
Aquest document és un/a article, creat/da en: 2020
This paper focuses on postpurchase complaint behavior to understand under which conditions omnichannel shoppers choose to complain at the physical store instead of doing it through online channels. Using fuzzy-set Qualitative Comparative Analysis (fsQCA), we find that four different combinations of situational, channelrelated, and individual variables lead to complaining at the store. The motivation of seeking redress together with assertiveness and high dissatisfaction, play an essential role in the choice of complaint channel. The channel of purchase is not determinant for the choice of the store to complain. These findings have implications in terms of redefining the role of the store in the current omnichannel era. |
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