Leopardos en la cueva de Llonin (Asturias, MIS3): estudio de la colección e interacción con los grupos humanos

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Leopardos en la cueva de Llonin (Asturias, MIS3): estudio de la colección e interacción con los grupos humanos

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Sanchis Serra, Alfred; Pérez, Leopoldo; Real Margalef, Cristina; Duarte, Elsa; Rasilla, Marco de la
Aquest document és un/a Comunicació/Ponència, creat/da en: 2019
Study of the collection and interactions with human groups): We present the taxonomic and taphonomic analysis of the leopard sets (Panthera pardus) of the MIS 3 levels (“Cono Posterior”) from Llonin Cave (Asturias). In the basal level (VIII) there are one adult leopard remains without anthropogenic modifications, who died in the cave. This individual occupied the cave in alternation with other carnivores and Neanderthals. In the upper level (VI) an unusual set of leopard remains has been identified in association with some several stalactites and other fauna and lithic remains. These remains were arranged there by humans on purpose, and it can be related to the hunted-gatherer symbolic world from theCantabrian Upper Palaeolithic.
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