Materialitat i errors de composició d?un incunable poètic (b2/87FD) : la rendibilitat ecdòtica

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Materialitat i errors de composició d?un incunable poètic (b2/87FD) : la rendibilitat ecdòtica

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Martos Sánchez, Josep Lluís
Aquest document és un/a article, creat/da en: 2019

The material analysis of the witnesses of a literary work is part of the phase of recension in a process of textual criticism,which must go beyond the mere description of the content. It is necessary to pay attention to the information that thesecharacteristics give about the contents, about the process of textual transmission, because these data will have ecdoticvalue. Thus, this work studies the materiality and compositorial errors of a Valencian poetical incunabulum, which is thefirst of a trilogy of printed works dedicated to the Immaculate Conception and sponsored by Ferran Dies.
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