La muerte de las reinas. Opúsculos y relaciones italianas durante el Renacimiento

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La muerte de las reinas. Opúsculos y relaciones italianas durante el Renacimiento

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Bertomeu Masiá, María José
Aquest document és un/a article, creat/da en: 2019

The dissemination of pamphlets on weddings, entries, celebrations and funerals during the 16th century responded to the immense demand on the part of readers, and contributed to establishing in the collective imagination a vivid memory of powerful and renowned figures whose deaths received all the pomp of a funeral of State. Well-known are the books that narrated the festivities in honour of the funeral of Emperor Charles V following his death in 1558, as well as those dedicated to other monarchs. However, less well-known are the funerals of countless women, queens and consorts, who were also granted State celebrations upon their deaths, which were narrated in pamphlets and loose sheets, or relations of events that still remain to be studied.
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