Evaluation of effectiveness of photobiostimulation in alleviating side effects after dental implant surgery. A randomized clinical trial

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Evaluation of effectiveness of photobiostimulation in alleviating side effects after dental implant surgery. A randomized clinical trial

Mostra el registre parcial de l'element Caccianiga, Gianluigi es Perillo, Letizia es Portelli, Marco es Baldoni, Marco es Galletti, Cosimo es Gay-Escoda, Cosme es 2021-01-14T10:49:23Z 2021-01-14T10:49:23Z 2020 es
dc.identifier.citation Caccianiga, Gianluigi ; Perillo, Letizia ; Portelli, Marco ; Baldoni, Marco ; Galletti, Cosimo ; Gay-Escoda, Cosme. Evaluation of effectiveness of photobiostimulation in alleviating side effects after dental implant surgery. A randomized clinical trial. En: Medicina oral, patología oral y cirugía bucal. Ed. inglesa, 25 2 2020: 15- es
dc.description.abstract To assess if photobiostimulation (PBS) alleviates pain intensity/duration and swelling after implant surgery. Sixty subjects (27 male and 33 female, with a mean age of 47,13 8.05 years) were included and randomly assigned to experimental group (implant surgery and photobiostimulation), placebo group (implant surgery and simulated photobiostimulation) and control group (implant surgery only). Inclusion criteria: subjects older than 20 years, with a healthy oral mucosa and requiring implant surgery. Exclusion criteria: pregnancy, history of implant failure, light sensitivity, metabolic deseases, consumption of antibiotics or corticosteroids in the last two weeks, smokers and alcohol drinkers. Patients reported the pain experienced by using a numeric rating scale (NRS) at 2 hours, 6 hours, 12 hours, 24 hours and from day 2 to 7. Swelling score was assessed by linear measurements and type and number of analgesic drugs within each time-point were recorded on a spreadsheet. Data of pain and amount of swelling were compared among the three groups by using the Kruskal-Wallis H Test and post-hoc comparisons tests. Pain in the experimental group was less compared to controls and placebo group, at each time intervals (p < 0.001) as well as the maximum pain score (experimental group: median = 2, interquartile range 2-3; control group: median = 8, interquartile range 3,75-9; placebo group: median = 8, interquartile range 6,25-9). Swelling was almost insignificant in the experimental group (maximum value = 1, interquartile range 0-2,75, at 24 hours) compared with control (maximum value = 6, interquartile range 5-8,75, at 24 hours) and placebo (maximum value = 6, interquartile range 5-8, at 24 hours). Subjects in the experimental group assumed less analgesics compared to both controls and placebo groups. Photobiostimulation is an effective method to reduce pain intensity/duration and swelling after implant surgery. es
dc.title Evaluation of effectiveness of photobiostimulation in alleviating side effects after dental implant surgery. A randomized clinical trial es
dc.type journal article es_ES
dc.subject.unesco UNESCO::CIENCIAS MÉDICAS es
dc.identifier.doi 10.4317/medoral.23336 es
dc.type.hasVersion VoR es_ES

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