Implementation of the Comprehensive Approach. Leadership factors that influence the respect of Human Rights and Humanitarian Law

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Implementation of the Comprehensive Approach. Leadership factors that influence the respect of Human Rights and Humanitarian Law

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dc.contributor.advisor Serra Cristóbal, Rosario
dc.contributor.advisor Flores Giménez, Fernando
dc.contributor.advisor Lloret Romero, Nuria Gravili, Roberto
dc.contributor.other Institut de Drets Humans es_ES 2021-01-15T08:55:00Z 2021-01-16T05:45:05Z 2020 es_ES 22-12-2020 es_ES
dc.description.abstract The respect of Human Rights and International Humanitarian Law is linked to conflict resolution and recent experiences show that is not possible to prevent, manage or resolve a conflict only with military means, a Comprehensive Approach is essential and in this context leadership assumes a crucial role. The purpose of this study is to determine the leadership factors influencing the respect of Human Rights and International Humanitarian Law. The first research question focuses on the relevance of the Comprehensive Approach, while the remaining questions examine why it is so difficult to implement it and how its implementation could improve the respect for Human Rights and the cooperation between the various organizations involved. Furthermore, the research will seek to discover the leadership factors that influence the implementation of the Comprehensive Approach. The study is a mixed methods design. In stage one of the research, a preliminary on-line survey was administered to two groups of civilian and military personnel with a return rate of 40 percent using the Cultural Transformation Tools. The survey participants were selected for a semi-structured interview. Based on the results of the survey a focus group was conducted in order to deepen the investigation. Results of the preliminary survey and the analysis done with the focus group were then used to carry out a survey on universal values using the methodology developed by Shalom Schwartz. The study findings suggest that institutional factors and human values play a prevalent role in influencing international leaders decisions on the implementation of the Comprehensive Approach. The rule of law and the application of the law are the basis of any peaceful co existence, but often this is not enough to guarantee peace, as demonstrated by the numerous international conflicts. The comprehensive approach appears to be one of the best methodologies for solving the root causes of conflicts with a multilateral approach, unfortunately even if theoretically it is feasible in practice the difficulties encountered often appear insurmountable. The staff that operates in modern operational scenarios therefore requires human values and skills that go beyond technical and procedural knowledge. Indeed, the staff employed in the implementation of the comprehensive approach can overcome the enormous difficulties deriving from belonging to organizations that differ in structure, organization and objectives only if they share the same human values. The comprehensive approach represents the best existing alternative to an indiscriminate use of force that does not solve the problems underlying conflicts. Respect for human rights allows creating a situation conducive to conflict resolution, while respect for international humanitarian law reduces the level of violence that always accompanies armed conflict. The Human Rights Charter was written not surprisingly at the end of one of the greatest and most disastrous conflicts in humanity and represents the cornerstone on which to build a just society based on respect for the law. However, despite the progress made in their regulatory development, their practical respect appears increasingly difficult. The research identified seven human values as factors of leadership that influence respect for human rights and international humanitarian law during the implementation of the comprehensive approach. es_ES
dc.format.extent 398 p. es_ES
dc.language.iso en es_ES
dc.subject leadership es_ES
dc.subject human rights es_ES
dc.subject international humanitarian law es_ES
dc.subject human values es_ES
dc.subject conflict resolution es_ES
dc.subject negotiation es_ES
dc.subject geostrategy es_ES
dc.title Implementation of the Comprehensive Approach. Leadership factors that influence the respect of Human Rights and Humanitarian Law es_ES
dc.type doctoral thesis es_ES
dc.subject.unesco UNESCO::CIENCIA POLÍTICA es_ES
dc.subject.unesco UNESCO::SOCIOLOGÍA es_ES
dc.subject.unesco UNESCO::PSICOLOGÍA es_ES
dc.embargo.terms 0 days es_ES

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